Aspects of Writing

I’ve been thinking about writing almost as far back as I’ve held a pen. It’s still spooky and fascinating to me that the right words, the right cadence, the right juxtaposition, among dozens more things, can instill nanoengineering-level exactitude, make you laugh out loud, or change your life. Then there’s what surrounds the writing: things like figuring out your audience, interviewing, learning to get out of your own way, and many other things people only learn by working the craft. Thoughts on making the music, from elementary scales to virtuoso performance. 

Great Story, Four Lines

Great Story, Four Lines

A 20-second conversation at San Quentin, a shattering lesson in structure.

“You Program People.”

An AI specialist told me I did him one better, just by writing. Here’s what he meant.

Improve Your Interviews. You’ll Write Better.

Here’s a simple, easy to remember method to get better at a critical, little-discussed stage in writing.