The Journalism Business

News is in a fascinating and weird place. It’s abundant, scarce, worshiped, scorned, essential, in a death spiral, and full of opportunity. It belongs to a small number of organizations, it’s available to anyone who wants to practice it.

For people in Journalism, news is a beloved and often heartbreaking fascination, and a tough place to make a living. As a third-generation member of the business, who took his analytic skills to Google and learned a lot more about News, I’ve made a place where I and some friends could share experiences, memories, and ideas.

Life After Journalism: Riva Atlas & The Anchorage Search

“It’s gratifying that I can tap into my  basic intellectual curiosity, being interested in other people’s experiences, and skill at building a sense of trust. When I’m doing that, I feel like I’m back to my roots.”

Layoffs and Grief

There’s a part of getting laid off that no one talks about, and it’s crazy. Take it from me.

Life After Journalism – Introduction

If you’re a journalist thinking about leaving the business, these conversations may help you think about your talents in new ways. If you’re in a company, academia, or government, read on – you need a journalist’s networks, communications and analytic skills, and guts.

Betsy Corcoran

Life After Journalism: How Betsy Corcoran Founded A Startup

“I wanted something that connected the dots in my life.”

Casey Newton

Life After Journalism: When Casey Newton Remade Work

“If readers supported me, that would be more sustainable than relying on some CEO…in order to lose your job thousands of people have to fire you at the same time.”

Eric Savitz

Life After Journalism: What Eric Savitz Learned

“I’ve seen the inside of how companies work in a way I would never have as a journalist.”

John Keller

Life After Journalism: Changing An Industry, From John Keller

“I had learned to respect power but not be intimidated by it, and some of these people will try to intimidate you.”

Laurie Cohen

Life After Journalism: Where Laurie Cohen Took Reporting

“The storytelling angles we bring to things are quite valuable for these investment firms while they’re trying to decide what to do.”

Miguel Helft

Life After Journalism: The Next Page For Miguel Helft

“Some kind of specialization has been key to survival in journalism for 20 years…people with general reporting skills but no specific field of expertise were often the first to be cut.”

Rebecca Buckman

Life After Journalism: Rebecca Buckman’s VC Niche

“I often view my job as a translator, making complicated technologies understandable to a broader audience, but also attractive to analysts, journalists, and other specialists in the field.”

Life After Journalism: War & Business With Steve Frazier

“Office life can be stressful, but it’s just not on the same planet as some things journalists do.”

Life After Journalism: The Influencer Journalist, Eric Newcomer

“I’d rather be a really well trusted influencer than to hold on to the journalism brand, which lately has come to have a lot of baggage.”